Wednesday, March 28, 2007


  • a picture is worth a thousand words
  • a leopard can't change his spots
  • backseat driver
  • back to basics
  • back to square one
  • bad hair day
  • ball and chain
  • non' ya' beeswax
  • blackmail
  • blind leading the blind
  • break a leg
  • caught with your pants down
  • chip on his shoulder
  • chown down
  • cold war
  • crackerjack
  • cup of joe
  • cut to the chase
  • cut the cheese
  • dead ringer
  • Devil's advocate
  • dirt poor
  • dog days
  • doozy
  • dope
  • double whammy
  • doughboy
  • drink like a fish
  • dropping like flies
  • eat, drink, and be merry
  • Elvis has left the building
  • end of story
  • Eureka
  • face the music
  • finger lookin' good
  • flesh and blood
  • flip the bird
  • got out on the wrong side of the bed
  • go out on a limb
  • go the extra mile
  • good Sameritan
  • have an axe to grind
  • high five
  • hit the hay
  • hit the nail on the head
  • hold your horses
  • Houston we have a problem
  • I'll have his head on a platter
  • in your face
  • keep your chin up
  • knock on wood
  • last but not least
  • live by the sword, die by the sword
  • Mum's the word
  • nerd
  • new kid on the block
  • OK
  • one for the road
  • over the top
  • paddle your own canoe
  • pedal to the medal
  • pick up your ears
  • pipe down
  • pull the plug
  • pull the wool over his eyes
  • put a sock in it
  • put on your thinking cap
  • put your best foot forward
  • rain cats and dogs
  • raincheck
  • redhanded
  • rise and shine
  • sabotage
  • saved by the bell
  • shake a leg
  • shot in the dark
  • sleep tight
  • son of a gun
  • spare the road, spoil the child
  • strike a deal
  • stumped
  • thats all folks
  • the truth will set you free
  • the wave
  • the whole nine yards
  • third times a charm
  • three strikes and you are out
  • tie the knot
  • to make a long story short
  • top knotch
  • use your loaf
  • wet behind the ears
  • white bread
  • whole nine yards
  • word for word
  • X marks the spot
  • you are what you eat
  • your name is mud
  • zero tolerance

Monday, March 12, 2007


There was a poor dog named named Tinkerbell limping and her leg bleeding. A guy named Mr. Ferreirae saw her on his walk through the park in London. Mr. Ferreirae was kind enough to take her to his house to take care of her. At his house, Mr. Ferreirae gave Tinkerbell a bath, fed her, and put her near the fire to dry off. Mr. Ferreirae gave her another meal in front of the fire. After her meal she fell asleep in front of the fire. In the morning she found a warm breakfast in front of her. Tinkerbell gladly ate it. She walked into the kitchen to see Mr. Ferreirae at the table drinking a cup of coffee. Mr. Ferreirae said good morning and pet her on her head. Mr. Ferreirae said he would take her to the vet to stop the bleeding. On their way there they stopped at UPS to make flyers about a lost dog. Then they went to the vet. On their way back they put up the fliers. A few days later the owner, Jake, came to claim Tinkerbell. Mr.Ferreirae was sad when she left. A couple days later he found another stray dog in the park with her puppies. Mr. Ferreirae took care of her and soon enough, found the owner. The owner, Mike, was kind enough and said Mr.Ferreirae could keep one of the girl puppies. They lived together happily.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


There are many things I could've written in a Personal Narrative. I chose to write about how I broke my wrist. One day I was riding my bike in front of my house with my big brother. My mom, brother, and I were at home while the rest were at my grandma's house with my dad. It was a Saturday. As we were riding our bikes, my brother hit the back of my tire hard. I was about 6 years old and I had just learned how to ride my bike. When he hit me I fell off my bike and landed on my hand. We went inside because I felt dizzy and my hand was hurting. In a couple of hours my uncle came to take me to the hospital to see if I broke something. It turns out I broke my wrist and I needed a cast. The next day I went back and got my cast on. When my teacher that year (Mrs. Biorn) saw it she was worried. Several people I knew signed it. Between that time I did a project at my church for Mother's Day. It required me to paint my hand and press it down on paper. When mine was finished it looked as if my palm wasn't there. Anyway, after a few months with it on I finally got it taken off. I learned one thing, never bump into anyone when it comes to riding bikes.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Boarding School

Once there was 7 kids that went to a boarding school. They were best friends. Until one day they had to go to *don don dooonnn* boarding school. Their parents were going to separate them. They begged their parents not to make them go, but the parents continued to say, "No, you have to go." The next day they were to report to meet at the near by park. Now they had all said goodbye and were on their way to boarding school on a bus. They were looking out the window at their parents waving goodbye. In one hour they were there. When they got off the bus they got their luggage and followed the counselor to the Multi Purpose room which wasn't much of a Multi Purpose room. It was pretty much just a sort of hallway with rooms, bathrooms, showers, and a place to eat. So, it was a place where you had everything you needed in one building. Outside was a broken sign that read "Camp Wannacry". Camp Wannacry was a camp for girls. Back in the hallway the counselor barked after them to stand and read their book. While they were reading the other workers were discussing how great the prank their parents pulled on them was. The next day they had to do some things they regretted ever doing. After that they all went in for an announcement. At the announcement they told them the prank their parents pulled on them. On their way home they wondered why their parents did this. Most of them knew why. Most of them pranked their parents and their parents wanted to get payback. In the end they learned not to prank their parents anymore.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Fat boy

There are many reasons why the boy has a popcorn hat on his head. His mother went out to Costco to buy some food. This boy was an only child and his dad had died from when a meteor hit him. The boy's name was Daniel. Their house was about 30 miles away from Costco. The boy had gotten hungry and started searching the fridge to look for something to eat. He had found some popping corn in a bucket in the pantry. He popped it and ate it. He was still hungry so he went to find something else to eat. He found a few bags of chocolate and a couple bags of Hot Cheetos. He ate a bag of Hot Cheetos followed by two bags of chocolate. By the time he ate the last bag of Hot Cheetos his mom came back hom with groceries. He was lucky he had cleaned up his mess. He told his mom he didn't feel so good. His mom looked into the garbage and said,"That's what you get for eating to much."

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Army boy

This boy's father was supposed to serve his country in the war. His father had died from cancer. Now he was supposed to fill in the place of his father. His mother begged them for mercy and not to let him go. They told her they could not allow that. They said that he had better be ready to go to war with a gun. The next morning they came to get him and bring him to their camp. There he learns to shoot and fight. After a few days in training, he goes to war. Before he goes he sends his mom this picture and a letter. For the next several days the war goes on (civil war). After the war, he returns back home with few little injuries. His mother was happy that he returned home safely.

Stuck in the mud

Timmy was on his way to the campsite, when a drunk driver was swirving. Timmy got startled and drove off the road. It just so happened it rained just before he left home. Now he was stuck in the mud. He knew he should've called the police to report the drunk driver, at that moment he realized, he had no service! He went back to the street to try to wave somebody off but no one would stop and help him get his car out of the mud. Finally someone stopped and helped him after 1 hour. Timmy thanked the person who helped him and they were both on their way.

Monday, February 05, 2007

A dog cheerleader

There was a football game at Sheldon High School the cheerleaders were cheering. When one of the cheerleaders brought out her chihuahua in a little cheerleader outfit. As soon as the music played, the dog started to dance. Everybody started to describe how cute and adorable the dog was. At the end of the game, everybody went to see the dog. everyone got a chance to pet the dog. They were charged $1 to get a picture with the dog. Everyone enjoyed the game.

Friday, February 02, 2007

In The Middle

I'm not that sure which one to chose. I think that after 6th grade we should go to middle school. I think that for many reasons. I think that because we need to go different schools. It wouldn't be right to put kids that belong in 7th grade (or middle school) with little kids. 7th graders need their space from K-6 graders.

Friday, January 19, 2007

War in Iraq

First of all President Bush needs to get his head on straight. Bush is spending 400 billion dollars on the war that seems like it will never end! More than 3,000 teams have died. Can you imagine all the dead bodies and all their families? It is very sad about what Bush is doing. It seems like he doesn't even care about all their families. Bush is so imature. He thinks that he can just go on to people's land and start a war that we probably will lose. We should be trying to stop this nonsense not support it!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Pretty Pennies Picket summary

In "Pretty Pennies Picket", there is a group of girls get ripped of by the Busy Bee Bargain Store. Mr. Putterham sells a group of girls each a shirt for $0.98. They also bought embroidery thread, and loops. After they were done embroidering the T-shirts, they washed their shirts (the president of the club had her mom wash hers). The next day they found out that they got ripped of. They went to the Sheriff and he said he couldn't do anything about it because it could get a merchant in trouble with his customers. They went back to the shop and formed a picket line until Mr. Putterham came out. In the end they got their money back and the group leader got Mr. Putterham's name right.