Wednesday, March 28, 2007


  • a picture is worth a thousand words
  • a leopard can't change his spots
  • backseat driver
  • back to basics
  • back to square one
  • bad hair day
  • ball and chain
  • non' ya' beeswax
  • blackmail
  • blind leading the blind
  • break a leg
  • caught with your pants down
  • chip on his shoulder
  • chown down
  • cold war
  • crackerjack
  • cup of joe
  • cut to the chase
  • cut the cheese
  • dead ringer
  • Devil's advocate
  • dirt poor
  • dog days
  • doozy
  • dope
  • double whammy
  • doughboy
  • drink like a fish
  • dropping like flies
  • eat, drink, and be merry
  • Elvis has left the building
  • end of story
  • Eureka
  • face the music
  • finger lookin' good
  • flesh and blood
  • flip the bird
  • got out on the wrong side of the bed
  • go out on a limb
  • go the extra mile
  • good Sameritan
  • have an axe to grind
  • high five
  • hit the hay
  • hit the nail on the head
  • hold your horses
  • Houston we have a problem
  • I'll have his head on a platter
  • in your face
  • keep your chin up
  • knock on wood
  • last but not least
  • live by the sword, die by the sword
  • Mum's the word
  • nerd
  • new kid on the block
  • OK
  • one for the road
  • over the top
  • paddle your own canoe
  • pedal to the medal
  • pick up your ears
  • pipe down
  • pull the plug
  • pull the wool over his eyes
  • put a sock in it
  • put on your thinking cap
  • put your best foot forward
  • rain cats and dogs
  • raincheck
  • redhanded
  • rise and shine
  • sabotage
  • saved by the bell
  • shake a leg
  • shot in the dark
  • sleep tight
  • son of a gun
  • spare the road, spoil the child
  • strike a deal
  • stumped
  • thats all folks
  • the truth will set you free
  • the wave
  • the whole nine yards
  • third times a charm
  • three strikes and you are out
  • tie the knot
  • to make a long story short
  • top knotch
  • use your loaf
  • wet behind the ears
  • white bread
  • whole nine yards
  • word for word
  • X marks the spot
  • you are what you eat
  • your name is mud
  • zero tolerance

Monday, March 12, 2007


There was a poor dog named named Tinkerbell limping and her leg bleeding. A guy named Mr. Ferreirae saw her on his walk through the park in London. Mr. Ferreirae was kind enough to take her to his house to take care of her. At his house, Mr. Ferreirae gave Tinkerbell a bath, fed her, and put her near the fire to dry off. Mr. Ferreirae gave her another meal in front of the fire. After her meal she fell asleep in front of the fire. In the morning she found a warm breakfast in front of her. Tinkerbell gladly ate it. She walked into the kitchen to see Mr. Ferreirae at the table drinking a cup of coffee. Mr. Ferreirae said good morning and pet her on her head. Mr. Ferreirae said he would take her to the vet to stop the bleeding. On their way there they stopped at UPS to make flyers about a lost dog. Then they went to the vet. On their way back they put up the fliers. A few days later the owner, Jake, came to claim Tinkerbell. Mr.Ferreirae was sad when she left. A couple days later he found another stray dog in the park with her puppies. Mr. Ferreirae took care of her and soon enough, found the owner. The owner, Mike, was kind enough and said Mr.Ferreirae could keep one of the girl puppies. They lived together happily.