Tuesday, October 24, 2006

How to make mashed potatoes

If you are a Romanian then you know how to make mashed potatoes. The first step to make mashed potatoes is to get as many potatoes as you need. The next step is to peel the potatoes. Next you need to wash it. You then fill a pot up with water and put it on the stove (with parent supervision of course). You let the water boil the potatoes. Don't forget to add salt (if you want to). When they're done take it off the stove. You then put in a bowl and take out milk, butter and anything else you want to put in. You take out a hand mixer or a manual mixer. You mix in the ingredients (not to much milk). Finally you are finished!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

T.R. Smedburg and David Reese

There are many differences and simalarities between T.R. Smedburg and David Reese Elementary. One difference is that at T.R. Smedburg is a middle school and Reese is a elementary school. At Smedburg they don't have recess, an we do have recess. At Smedburg you also have to pay for lunch (40c). They don't have a playground!!!!!!!! That is amazing! No playground. They get to on better field trips than we do.

There are many simalarities between T.R. Smedburg. One similarity is they are both schools. Both schools get some time away from school (break or recess). At both schools we have to learn something. We both get homework to do at home. They both have classrooms. They both also have clubs. They both have offices, principles, and vice principles. At both schools they have teachers.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Adding Integers

These are many ways to add integers. One way for example -5 + -3 = -8. When you are adding integers, you add the numbers. The way you get the symbols (negative and positive) is you get it from the big number. In other words the sign of the big number. The answer is -8 because 5+3 = 8. Then you add the sign of the big number ( -5, so -).

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Bucharest and Sacramento

Bun venit ln Bucharest! Welcome to Sacramento! There are many differences and similarities between Bucharest and Sacramento.One difference between them is the languages. In Bucharest we speak Romanian. In Sacramento we speak English. In Bucharest we don't celebrate Halloween but Sacramento does. We also don't celebrate Valentines Day but guess you already know in Sacramento we do. Sacramento celebrates every holiday. Bucharest doesn't celebrate every holiday. The food is different in both Sacramento and Bucharest. Bucharest is in Romania. Sacramento is in California. The religion is different from the one in Sacramento. In Bucharest they are all Christians. Not everyone in Sacramento is the same as those in Bucharest. The monetary (means the money) is different from the money in California. Some dollars in Bucharest are worth more than the ones in Sacramento. Some similarities are that they are both places. Another similarity is they are both cities. They are both capitals. They have different types of money. They both have similarities and differences.