Wednesday, October 18, 2006

T.R. Smedburg and David Reese

There are many differences and simalarities between T.R. Smedburg and David Reese Elementary. One difference is that at T.R. Smedburg is a middle school and Reese is a elementary school. At Smedburg they don't have recess, an we do have recess. At Smedburg you also have to pay for lunch (40c). They don't have a playground!!!!!!!! That is amazing! No playground. They get to on better field trips than we do.

There are many simalarities between T.R. Smedburg. One similarity is they are both schools. Both schools get some time away from school (break or recess). At both schools we have to learn something. We both get homework to do at home. They both have classrooms. They both also have clubs. They both have offices, principles, and vice principles. At both schools they have teachers.

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