Thursday, November 30, 2006


My vacation is very boring ever since it started. For Thanksgiving I spent time with my family. I suppose you can say that. I wouldn't though. If anyone wants more details ask me when we come back on track. Later on after my family ate they went to my uncle's new house. I didn't get to go. Again if anyone wants more details ask me about it when we come back. So far it sounds like I've been missing out on all the fun. Well, yeah that was it was like most of the time. At about 8:00 p.m. (all of this boring stuff started at 1:50) when only my mom and dad came home without my brothers and sisters. My dad stayed and I got to go with my mom. My dad didn't want to go. We then went to my aunt's house for a second helping of turkey and all the other stuff you usually eat for Thanksgiving. I got to play on my uncle's PS2. I beat my brothers, sisters, cousins on a snowboarding game. They wanted to know how I got so good (they were jealous). After we ate we played some more. Soon we had to go home. As usual my cousin was begging his mom so he could spend the night at my house. After 10 min. of talking on our way out we finally left. On the way home my big brother told me something I would have known if I would have been with them.

1 comment:

gd said...

hey Deborah. hope your vaca good well cyaz!