Thursday, November 30, 2006


My vacation is very boring ever since it started. For Thanksgiving I spent time with my family. I suppose you can say that. I wouldn't though. If anyone wants more details ask me when we come back on track. Later on after my family ate they went to my uncle's new house. I didn't get to go. Again if anyone wants more details ask me about it when we come back. So far it sounds like I've been missing out on all the fun. Well, yeah that was it was like most of the time. At about 8:00 p.m. (all of this boring stuff started at 1:50) when only my mom and dad came home without my brothers and sisters. My dad stayed and I got to go with my mom. My dad didn't want to go. We then went to my aunt's house for a second helping of turkey and all the other stuff you usually eat for Thanksgiving. I got to play on my uncle's PS2. I beat my brothers, sisters, cousins on a snowboarding game. They wanted to know how I got so good (they were jealous). After we ate we played some more. Soon we had to go home. As usual my cousin was begging his mom so he could spend the night at my house. After 10 min. of talking on our way out we finally left. On the way home my big brother told me something I would have known if I would have been with them.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Research Paper

Whoever is reading this and the last paragraph, Please nobody copy.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

King Tut, King Ramses 2, and Alexander the Great

Have you ever wondered what happened to King Tut, Ramses the 2, and Alexander the Great? Well, this research happens to be all about them. These paragraphs contain important facts about King Tut, Ramses 2, and Alexander the Great. They were great Pharaohs. First is King Tut.

King Tut -

Akhenaton (King Tut's father) died, making his 9-year-old son (Tutankhaton) the king. He then went through a lot of work and studying. He soon changed his name to Tutankhamen, meaning "Living image of Amon". He then died when he was 18. Nobody knows how he died. He was buried in a solid-gold coffin in a tomb filled with gold and jewels. He is famous for what was found in his tomb. What was found in his tomb was gold and jewelry. His tomb was found by Howard Carter in 1922. The Pharaoh that came after him married the widow of King Tut. For a very long time nobody knew how he died.

King Ramses 2-

Ramses 2 completed and built a lot of things during his lifetime. He completed a hall at Karnak. He continued work on the temple built by Seti 1 at Abydos. Both of them were incomplete at the latter's (meaning the person who started it, Seti 1) death. He completed his father's funerary temple. He built one for himself and called it Ramessum. In Abydos he built his own temple not that far from his father's. In Nubia he built no fewer than 6 temples. Two carved out of a cliffside. (The two larger ones built by Seti 1.) The last two due to Ramses. Virtually nothing is known about his personal life. His wife was Nefertari. His family consisted of 100 children. The best picture of him is him as a young man. His mummy is preserved in a mausoleum at Cairo. Ramses 2 was a good soldier. He was a popular king. He married the daughter of the Hittite King. He attacked his enemies such as the Libyans and the Nubians. He was the third king of the nine tenth dynasty. In building all those temples it was obvious he wanted to leave a reminder of his strength and wealth.

Alexander the Great-

Alexander's father was the son of Philip the 2. Philip gained control of most of the Greek peninsula. He learned how to be a great warrior from his father. They say he slept with a dagger and a copy of Homer's Iliad. Alexander's father wanted to rule all the countries. Alexander conquered part of the Persian empire. He was 20 years old when he became king of Macedonia. He also gained control of Egypt and made it part of the Greek Empire. His general, Ptolemy took control of Egypt. Egypt was in Greek hands until the Romans conquered Egypt. The Egyptians began to Replace their religion with Christian belief. Trouble in his own land delayed his plans. Neighboring people began to fight with his army. Someone started a rumor that Alexander had died. His empire started to fight. When Alexander got back his empire was fighting. He ended the fight very quickly. He had freed the Greek from under Persian control. They were forced to accept Alexander as their new ruler. As his empire grew he named a lot of his cities Alexandria after himself. His empire learned to speak and worship Greek gods. He went to India where he had a battle with Porus (an Indian king). When Porus got wounded and surrendered. Alexander let him continue ruling. When Alexander returned to Babylon he got a mysterious disease. A few days with that disease he died. After his death, his empire split up. Nobody was as good a leader as him . After his death, many of his people went to Italy.

In the end they all died a mysterious death. Nobody knew how they had died for a very long time. In the end someone else married their wives. They all became Pharaohs at a young age.

In the end they were great pharaohs. What they did made Egypt a better country. In Alexander's case the whole world. They were great rulers. They had all died a mysterious death. Today we still enjoy what they have found in their tombs.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

How to make mashed potatoes

If you are a Romanian then you know how to make mashed potatoes. The first step to make mashed potatoes is to get as many potatoes as you need. The next step is to peel the potatoes. Next you need to wash it. You then fill a pot up with water and put it on the stove (with parent supervision of course). You let the water boil the potatoes. Don't forget to add salt (if you want to). When they're done take it off the stove. You then put in a bowl and take out milk, butter and anything else you want to put in. You take out a hand mixer or a manual mixer. You mix in the ingredients (not to much milk). Finally you are finished!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

T.R. Smedburg and David Reese

There are many differences and simalarities between T.R. Smedburg and David Reese Elementary. One difference is that at T.R. Smedburg is a middle school and Reese is a elementary school. At Smedburg they don't have recess, an we do have recess. At Smedburg you also have to pay for lunch (40c). They don't have a playground!!!!!!!! That is amazing! No playground. They get to on better field trips than we do.

There are many simalarities between T.R. Smedburg. One similarity is they are both schools. Both schools get some time away from school (break or recess). At both schools we have to learn something. We both get homework to do at home. They both have classrooms. They both also have clubs. They both have offices, principles, and vice principles. At both schools they have teachers.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Adding Integers

These are many ways to add integers. One way for example -5 + -3 = -8. When you are adding integers, you add the numbers. The way you get the symbols (negative and positive) is you get it from the big number. In other words the sign of the big number. The answer is -8 because 5+3 = 8. Then you add the sign of the big number ( -5, so -).

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Bucharest and Sacramento

Bun venit ln Bucharest! Welcome to Sacramento! There are many differences and similarities between Bucharest and Sacramento.One difference between them is the languages. In Bucharest we speak Romanian. In Sacramento we speak English. In Bucharest we don't celebrate Halloween but Sacramento does. We also don't celebrate Valentines Day but guess you already know in Sacramento we do. Sacramento celebrates every holiday. Bucharest doesn't celebrate every holiday. The food is different in both Sacramento and Bucharest. Bucharest is in Romania. Sacramento is in California. The religion is different from the one in Sacramento. In Bucharest they are all Christians. Not everyone in Sacramento is the same as those in Bucharest. The monetary (means the money) is different from the money in California. Some dollars in Bucharest are worth more than the ones in Sacramento. Some similarities are that they are both places. Another similarity is they are both cities. They are both capitals. They have different types of money. They both have similarities and differences.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Music is the best thing in the world. I think music is the best thing in the world because through music you can express how you feel. Another reason why I like music is because music is a passion. For me music is an everyday thing. It is an everyday thing because I love to listen to music that I think are ok to listen to. I know that everybody likes music. I appreciate music and good music, I mean who doesn't.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Jesse Owens

Jesse Owens is a great example of perseverance for many reasons. One way he showed perseverance was when his mom had to cut the lump out with a hot kitchen knife. Another way is he suffered through pneumonia.Another way Jesse Owens persevered was when people were predjudice and African Americans weren't treated fairly. I learned one thing about Jessie Owens and that is he persevered a lot through out his life.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Gibson Ranch

During my vacation I went with my church to Gibson Ranch. At Gibson Ranch I played a lot of games. You could play volleyball, soccer, football, or ping-pong. My brother went to pet horses and sheep near by. He even could ride one if he wanted to, but he didn't' . My cousins Alex and Gaby came along also. We had lots of fun. Later on my sisters Bianca and Elizabeth came with my aunt and uncle. My cousin Fred came also. I came with my uncle and got to leave with him too as soon as there wasn't very many people. Until then I played mostly volleyball. I knew I wasn't very good but I tried and got better at it. Later on I relaxed a bit and ate a hot dog. After that I went and watched my uncles and sunday school teachers play volleyball. One of my sunday school teachers was on my uncles team. My uncles were on the same team. After that game two of my sunday school teachers asked me to play a game with them and I didn't. The game was we would stand in a circle and it was plating playing volleyball but without a net and we were standing in a circle. I had a lot of fun playing with them. They are really nice to me and I treat them the same way they treat me. I love to learn what they are supposed to teach me. Anyway after that I played ping-pong. A lot of people watched people who wanted to play play. A couple of hours watching we finally went home. Today was also my birthday (September 19, 2006) . I hope it goes well after school.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

" On top of the World "

In the story " On top of the World " , Hillary and Norgay faced many obstacles. One obstacle is when it was -27 degrees Fahrenheit. It was an obstacle because they had to wear about three layers of clothing. Other obstacles were when they ate the last dates, apricots, sardines, and biscuits. It was an obstacle because it was their last food supply. Another obstacle was there wasn't that much air to breathe in and there wasn't much time. That was an obstacle because they had to use oxygen . The fourth obstacle was when they had to climb a 40 ft. rock to get to the top. Those were hard obstacles they had to go through.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Early Man

In chapter 1, I learned many things about early man. I learned many things about Homo habilis which means " handy person " . Homo habilis is 2.5 million years old. Lois and Mary Leaky found Homo habilis. They also found tools near them and that's how they got their name. Eugene Dubois (ugene duboy) found Homo erectus which means " human who stands upright " . Don Johnson found half of a 3 million year old australopithecine in Ethiopia in Africa. Tim White found a 4.5 million year old hominid. Early people were mostly plant eaters. They traveled on grasslands searching for food. They made tools out of sharp rocks. Homo erectus had more brainpower. They were the first people to make sounds. They created fire and learned how to tame it for protection and for warmth. The Homo sapiens were newcomers to Africa. Homo erectus did the same thing for 1.5 million years. Homo sapiens means " wise human ". They ate fruits, nuts, roots, seeds, fish, turtles, birds, and rodents. Also for food they hunted rhino, mammoths, and ox. They worked in bands which are groups of twenty people that work together to find food, clothing, and shelter. Archaeologists used radiocarbon dating to determine how old they are. Meat was used for food, bones were used for tools, and skin for clothing. The tools they had were spears, knives, and sharp rocks. That is most of what I've learned in chapter 1.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What characters helped Miyax to survive?

In the story " Amaroq the Wolf ", Miyax was able to survive because she was intelligent. One way she showed her wisdom was by trying to follow what the other wolves did. Another way she showed her knowledge was by trying to impress Amaroq. She also showed she was smart by trying to communicate with the wolves. Miyax survived because she took notes on what the other wolves did, she tried to impress Amaroq, and she tried to communicate with them.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

How did Brian demonstrate perseverance?

In the story " The Fire Builder " , Brian showed perseverance in many ways in his struggle to survive. One way he persevered was getting away from the animals. Another way he persevered was by making a fire. He also got attacked by a porcupine . Brian survived because he learned to make a fire which will protect him from animals.